The 1st year International Business School students at Hanze University explored the city last week and paid a company visit at various locations in Groningen. Xplore Grunn arranged the business locations on this introductory afternoon.
Hooghoudt, Wall House, IBM, The Student Hotel, BaxBier and Gropo contributed to the company visits and gave a glimpse into their company in Groningen to more than 500 students in total divided over 15 different classes. The students heard about the origin, the structure of the organisation and were given a tour. At some locations they even worked in small groups on a concrete assignment. So each group got a different story.
Oktje Lambermont, Acadamic Advisor at the International Business School, tells enthusiastically about the company visit of her class to IBM: “The students thought it was impressive! Not only the building and the story, but also because they were immediately put to work in their first week. Divided into small groups they were given an assignment in marketing and strategy and had to present it at the end. That way they had to work together right away and they got to know each other better!”.
About IBS
More than 70 nationalities follow this 4-year program that prepares the students for a successful and valuable career in international business. The training is entirely in English and can also be accelerated in 3 years. In addition, there is German direction, the 3-year International Betriebswirtschaft.
About Xplore Grunn
Xplore Grunn organises discovery trips and adventure tours through the city and in the province of Groningen. From playground bicycle tours to company outings. Or an introductory day for first-year students to explore the city and its organisations. That is also possible. Xplore Grunn takes care of it, out of the ordinary!